History of the IPSO - Mediterranean
Jean-Claude ELBEZ
It is in the local context that the creation of the IPSO-Mediterranean has to be resituated. To do this we will call people and dates. First of all, Jacques Cain, who was a central figure in the local psychoanalytical universe linked to the SPP. He was for a long time President of the Mediterranean Group of the SPP. In 1985, during the fourth Psychoanalytic Meeting in Aix en Provence, he invited Pierre Marty. His interest in psychosomatics led him to write numerous articles and books on this subject. At the same time, Monique Pinol Douriez, Professor of clinical psychology at the faculty of Aix en Provence, became interested in this clinic, regularly worked with IPSO-Paris clinicians and conveyed this interest to her students, some of whom became members of the SPP and IPSO-Med
Later, Jean Michel Porte, psychiatrist, psychoanalyst and training analyst at the SPP, took over as a trainer member of the IPSO-Paris and by spreading the clinic and the psychosomatic theory of the Paris School in Nice and in the region by through seminars and writings. In this dynamic, Jacqueline Loriod, companion of the first hours of Pierre Marty who, to get closer to his daughter, comes to settle in Sophia-Antipolis and organizes very regularly at her home, with Jean Michel Porte, a seminar on psychosomatic, and the participation of Pierre Marty, Michel Fain, Michel de M'Uzan, Benno Rozenberg, Claude Smadja, Gerard Szwec, Marilia Aisenstein, Robert Asséo, Rosine Debray, Diana L'HEUREUX le BOEUF and many others, over many years.
Jean Claude ELBEZ who was interested, since the beginning of his training as a psychiatrist, in 1975, Balint groups led by Jacques Cain in the context of the Psychiatric Clinic of Professor JM Sutter. There he 'meets' the psychoanalytic relaxation of Mr Sapir and becomes secretary of the Body Mediation Institute of Psychotherapy (a group that brought together Robert Julien, Robert Jarret, Jacqueline Depied and Georges Benkoula). This was a blessed time when psychoanalysts of the SPP, Lacanians, phenomenologists at Binswanger, relaxers, systemicians, communicators, bioenergetists, sexologists could be found in the corridors of the psychiatric clinic. , chemotherapists, family and couples therapists, marriage counselors, etc. A nursery of possibilities within the reach of thought of eager students.
It is in this context that in 1986 JC Elbez discovers the book "The child and his Body" and meets one of its authors, Leon Kresler. The latter advised him to make an appointment with P. Marty, which was done in 1987. The question was asked: why does a structure such as the Poterne des Peupliers Hospital exist in Paris and not in Marseille? After six years of Kafkaesque strolls in the corridors of the Ministry of Health, the Center for Psychosomatic Studies and Care (CESEP) was founded in Marseille as an experimental center. The therapists of this Center are all psychoanalysts or psychoanalysts in training, for the majority in a society of the API and do their training at IPSO-Paris (Herve Aubin, Robert Babeau, Eric Sauvaget, Brigitte Wendling, Anne Fois and Jean Claude Elbez). It is in this context that Jacqueline Loriod came to CESEP every month to do seminars on the investigation and reading of the texts of P. Marty. Claude Smadja was regularly invited to do seminars on the central concepts of the psychosomatic of the School of Paris
CESEP showed its dynamism from 1992 to 1996 but had to stop functioning because of an administrative problem, whereas the evaluation made by the Health Insurance Fund of the BdR wanted to perpetuate this structure because all their evaluations showed, for the Followed patients, one more care for a cost saving. An INSERM unit, CEMKA, for its part, showed the very significant gain in quality of life of the patients followed. The seminars continued in 1997 in Aix en Provence and many members of IPSO-Paris came to visit us (Benno Rozenberg, Claude Smadja, Gérard Szwec, Marilia Aisenstein, Robert Asséo, Marina Papagiorgiou, Irina Adominicaï ...)
Thanks to the seminars and monthly follow-ups of clinical cases provided by Jacqueline Loriod, IPSO-Paris received requests for courses for almost ten years, and Claude Smadja took on a case supervision job, regularly, for a dozen or so years. years. It is thanks to this work that in 2011 ten therapists created the Rotunda Center: Christelle Amiratti, Hélène Casanova, Myriam Boubli, Audrey Burtey, Anaïs Elbez, Jean Claude Elbez, Pierre Lombard, Marie Konicheckis, Julien Obadia, Esther Picard, and a little later Julien Amy followed by Samantha Livolsi Ganivet.
On September 11, 2014, the four incumbents trained at IPSO-Paris, Myriam Boubli, Pierre Lombard, Jean Claude ELBEZ and Brigitte Wendling create the IPSO-Mediterranean. Claude Smadja and Linda Smadja played a pivotal role in this birth certificate of IPSO-Med, of which they are now honorary members.
To date, the office of IPSO-Med is thus constituted:
President: Jean Claude Elbez
Vice-President: Myriam Boubli
Treasurer: Pierre Lombard
Secretary: Brigitte Wendling
The first Saturday of each month three seminars are offered:
Reading of original texts in psychosomatic led by Pierre Lombard
The psychosomatic of the hospitalized baby led by Myriam Boubli
The psychosomatic investigation led by Jean Claude Elbez
Since 2016 are organized, the first Saturday of July, in conjunction with the festival of Art Lyric of Aix en Provence, the Rencontres in Psychosomatics of Aix en Provence.
By the beginning of September 2018, an IPSO-Med site will be created to announce all the scientific activities, to propose online conferences, theoretical texts as well as information concerning the psychosomatic clinic in the region, in France and in France. international since IPSO-Med is a member of the International Association of Psychosomatics Pierre Marty (AIPPM) that JC Elbez currently chairs.
Jean-Claude ELBEZ
It is in the local context that the creation of the IPSO-Mediterranean has to be resituated. To do this we will call people and dates. First of all, Jacques Cain, who was a central figure in the local psychoanalytical universe linked to the SPP. He was for a long time President of the Mediterranean Group of the SPP. In 1985, during the fourth Psychoanalytic Meeting in Aix en Provence, he invited Pierre Marty. His interest in psychosomatics led him to write numerous articles and books on this subject. At the same time, Monique Pinol Douriez, Professor of clinical psychology at the faculty of Aix en Provence, became interested in this clinic, regularly worked with IPSO-Paris clinicians and conveyed this interest to her students, some of whom became members of the SPP and IPSO-Med
Later, Jean Michel Porte, psychiatrist, psychoanalyst and training analyst at the SPP, took over as a trainer member of the IPSO-Paris and by spreading the clinic and the psychosomatic theory of the Paris School in Nice and in the region by through seminars and writings. In this dynamic, Jacqueline Loriod, companion of the first hours of Pierre Marty who, to get closer to his daughter, comes to settle in Sophia-Antipolis and organizes very regularly at her home, with Jean Michel Porte, a seminar on psychosomatic, and the participation of Pierre Marty, Michel Fain, Michel de M'Uzan, Benno Rozenberg, Claude Smadja, Gerard Szwec, Marilia Aisenstein, Robert Asséo, Rosine Debray, Diana L'HEUREUX le BOEUF and many others, over many years.
Jean Claude ELBEZ who was interested, since the beginning of his training as a psychiatrist, in 1975, Balint groups led by Jacques Cain in the context of the Psychiatric Clinic of Professor JM Sutter. There he 'meets' the psychoanalytic relaxation of Mr Sapir and becomes secretary of the Body Mediation Institute of Psychotherapy (a group that brought together Robert Julien, Robert Jarret, Jacqueline Depied and Georges Benkoula). This was a blessed time when psychoanalysts of the SPP, Lacanians, phenomenologists at Binswanger, relaxers, systemicians, communicators, bioenergetists, sexologists could be found in the corridors of the psychiatric clinic. , chemotherapists, family and couples therapists, marriage counselors, etc. A nursery of possibilities within the reach of thought of eager students.
It is in this context that in 1986 JC Elbez discovers the book "The child and his Body" and meets one of its authors, Leon Kresler. The latter advised him to make an appointment with P. Marty, which was done in 1987. The question was asked: why does a structure such as the Poterne des Peupliers Hospital exist in Paris and not in Marseille? After six years of Kafkaesque strolls in the corridors of the Ministry of Health, the Center for Psychosomatic Studies and Care (CESEP) was founded in Marseille as an experimental center. The therapists of this Center are all psychoanalysts or psychoanalysts in training, for the majority in a society of the API and do their training at IPSO-Paris (Herve Aubin, Robert Babeau, Eric Sauvaget, Brigitte Wendling, Anne Fois and Jean Claude Elbez). It is in this context that Jacqueline Loriod came to CESEP every month to do seminars on the investigation and reading of the texts of P. Marty. Claude Smadja was regularly invited to do seminars on the central concepts of the psychosomatic of the School of Paris
CESEP showed its dynamism from 1992 to 1996 but had to stop functioning because of an administrative problem, whereas the evaluation made by the Health Insurance Fund of the BdR wanted to perpetuate this structure because all their evaluations showed, for the Followed patients, one more care for a cost saving. An INSERM unit, CEMKA, for its part, showed the very significant gain in quality of life of the patients followed. The seminars continued in 1997 in Aix en Provence and many members of IPSO-Paris came to visit us (Benno Rozenberg, Claude Smadja, Gérard Szwec, Marilia Aisenstein, Robert Asséo, Marina Papagiorgiou, Irina Adominicaï ...)
Thanks to the seminars and monthly follow-ups of clinical cases provided by Jacqueline Loriod, IPSO-Paris received requests for courses for almost ten years, and Claude Smadja took on a case supervision job, regularly, for a dozen or so years. years. It is thanks to this work that in 2011 ten therapists created the Rotunda Center: Christelle Amiratti, Hélène Casanova, Myriam Boubli, Audrey Burtey, Anaïs Elbez, Jean Claude Elbez, Pierre Lombard, Marie Konicheckis, Julien Obadia, Esther Picard, and a little later Julien Amy followed by Samantha Livolsi Ganivet.
On September 11, 2014, the four incumbents trained at IPSO-Paris, Myriam Boubli, Pierre Lombard, Jean Claude ELBEZ and Brigitte Wendling create the IPSO-Mediterranean. Claude Smadja and Linda Smadja played a pivotal role in this birth certificate of IPSO-Med, of which they are now honorary members.
To date, the office of IPSO-Med is thus constituted:
President: Jean Claude Elbez
Vice-President: Myriam Boubli
Treasurer: Pierre Lombard
Secretary: Brigitte Wendling
The first Saturday of each month three seminars are offered:
Reading of original texts in psychosomatic led by Pierre Lombard
The psychosomatic of the hospitalized baby led by Myriam Boubli
The psychosomatic investigation led by Jean Claude Elbez
Since 2016 are organized, the first Saturday of July, in conjunction with the festival of Art Lyric of Aix en Provence, the Rencontres in Psychosomatics of Aix en Provence.
By the beginning of September 2018, an IPSO-Med site will be created to announce all the scientific activities, to propose online conferences, theoretical texts as well as information concerning the psychosomatic clinic in the region, in France and in France. international since IPSO-Med is a member of the International Association of Psychosomatics Pierre Marty (AIPPM) that JC Elbez currently chairs.